What is QuitTxt?
QuitTxt sends you several SMS messages each day. They’re designed to help you prepare to quit, maintain your motivation and help you stay on track after you quit. QuitTxt gives you useful advice wherever you are on your quitting journey.
To begin, all you need to do is register and complete a brief questionnaire. This will let QuitTxt know how many messages per day you would like and when you would like them.
QuitTxt is free (other than the cost of texts you send) and has been shown to be effective in a scientific study. QuitTxt has already helped thousands to achieve their goal of becoming a nonsmoker.
If you would like more detailed advice you have the option of completing a QuitCoach assessment after you've signed up for QuitTxt.
QuitTxt works well in partnership with QuitCoach.
QuitTxt and QuitCoach share the same login details. If you've already joined QuitCoach log in using your username and password and begin the QuitTxt signup (it won't take long - we'll use information we already know from QuitCoach).
If you are not a QuitCoach member, click here to sign up to QuitTxt.